Using the Internet to your advantage. Computer use and Disabilities.


Working towards this presentation was quite fun I mean I not only got to learn a whole lot about the struggles that disabled individuals go through on their day to day basis, but i also was able to discover how today in this day and age computers have served as a tool in order to assist them or their day to day routines in order to make them more of a part of society. I thought the subject was overall very intriguing and i started to browse the internet to find more about it, and i stumbled upon quite a few articles that provided me a lot of introspective on the subject and even showed me some real life stories from disabled individuals who have used the internet and computer use to their advantage. Many inspiring stories were taken from here and so i decided to work on my script right after. we are group #3 so we had a few days left for us to present and was able to observe on what and what not to do at my presentation, which i used to my advantage. While i was putting together my slides together, i had to come up with a case study of a disabled individual who even with some pretty tragic circumstances, with the help of the internet they were able to succeed in their career or line of work. This is were it occurred to my mind a twitch streamer that i watch on the daily called Iron Mouse. She is a Puerto Rican streamer with a heavy condition that prevents her from getting out of her bed, and even though she had dreams of becoming a professional opera singer , her condition prevented her from achieving her dream of at least going to sing at a stage for an audience. But this wasn't enough to discourage her. This fueled her ambition and she decided with the help of computers and other gears to make a twitch account and start streaming on the platform for thousands. Overtime, she was able to find an audience and found a pretty deep following within the anitube community. This is one of many examples were individuals who thought at one point they couldn't accomplish their set goals and basically gave up n their dreams ; to a person who thanks to the internet were able to find a new purpose. Iron mouse today streams to thousands daily and even when she can , she creates fundraisers to help individuals in need of help. This is a true story that inspired many individuals , including me. Our time to present was coming up so we decided to present in order to see where we were. I felt pretty satisfied with my performance, i just needed to maybe work on my time so i can give my partners enough time to present; we practiced two times before the actual presentation in order to make sure everything was going alright and thankfully nothing ever went wrong.

Fast forward to the presentation day; i was quite nervous since i was afraid i wasn't going to have enough time to say everything i had to say. And so the presentation began everyone did so great and i was impatiently waiting for my turn, i also remember telling myself not to screw it up. I finally went  and thankfully everything went as planned , i did stutter , but just a little and i was able to say all i wanted and tell the story of iron mouse to the class, and thankfully i was able to get a positive reaction and people were surprisingly interested into Iron mouse's content. In short i think we as a team did a very good job and i could not be happier with the ending result. We all got an A on the assignment which indeed was super satisfactory.
Weeks passed and now we had to present the same subject but to the guest classes the professor had invited over, but this time there was a challenge . it was that now our presentation was timed, The presentation as a whole had to last at least 7 minutes and each team member had about a minute and 30 seconds to explain to the best of their skills their part and still make it on time for the other groups to also present. So this time the whole classroom got to rehearse together , and honestly we as a whole didn't do very good, but thankfully our group was surprisingly one of the few that were able to complete the presentation within the time limit. We were pretty happy about that. we decided not to rehearse another time again , but the professor advised the other teams that didn't do as good to rehearse their part more, in order to make it in time for the other groups to say their piece. We also had to cut down as much as we could; meaning we needed to strip down our slides to at least two or more talking points. So i did, this time my strategy was to dismiss the Iron mouse story since it took me more time and better focus on the benefits the internet offers to disabled individuals on the daily. And so i was ready with all my subjects and my script. I did practice on my own time to make sure I'd make it in time and thankfully it worked out. The day arrived and the presentation had started and finally it was our turn to present, every team classmate was able to express perfectly their talking points and still made it within the time frame of a minute and 30 seconds including our beloved group, needless to say i was hesitant at first but thankfully everything went on pretty smoothly. Our professor was very impressed by the class's performance as a whole and she congratulated us all and we thankfully received a good grade . I was definitely proud to be a part of this experience and a thousand thanks to my team members for doing such an amazing job.  


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