
Showing posts from February, 2022

Group Presentations

  The importance of public speech is often overlooked. By popular belief, the skills learned in a public speaking class can only be utilized in a setting where an individual needs to give a speech in front of a large group and could not be further from the truth. The majority of the lessons learned throughout a public speaking class apply to almost all aspects of day-to-day life; from school to work to even your personal life. Being able to understand all aspects of speech as well as being able to communicate effectively without any trouble is a skill helpful to anyone. Since I am working in the banking industry a large portion of my job consists of finding the best way to cater to my client's needs and desires therefore the ability to communicate with clients is essential. I am very excited to improve my communication skills and learn tips on how to present to an audience better.  Over the course of the last few weeks in our public speaking class we have been working and present

Chapters 7-9

  My Experience Working on a group presentation about presentations. by; Heyner Loaisiga Our task as a group was to present chapters 7 through 9 which in short was to go into depth about which were about; Delivering speeches, Choosing your words and about Visual resources and presentation technology. My personal task was to present two subtopics from chapter 8; the first one being How can you improve the clarity of your language use and How can you improve the style of your Language use. This two subtopics within chapter 8 had the key word of Improve and polish your clarity and language use during a full on presentation. Going more in depth into the topic of Improving the clarity of your language use we first learn to: Understand levels of  Abstraction: In this subtopic we focus on cutting to the chase, we should avoid broad terms or words that contain concepts hard to grasp or comprehend, you sorta need to find a balance between abstract and concrete words. Understand differences betw

How To Improve Your Presentation Skills by Isabelle Greiner

Source:GalChimia There are many aspects that come into play when organizing a presentation. From visuals to speeches, all small details come together to assure a prominent delivery. While my team’s presentation focus was geared around language, and aids to help present content, we learned from incorporating other groups’ lessons into our own. That was the good thing about being the third group to present: we benefited from learning other aspects of presenting from previous teams that help me in my performance.  Source:BCIT News 1. Know Your Topic Make sure you research and gather as much information about your topic as you can. Listeners are looking to you to have all the knowledge and answer all their questions on the topic. Even if you feel like you are not, pretend you are the expert in all things related to your presentation topic.  Like they say: fake it ‘till you make it…but we’ll come back to this later on in this post.  As we learned from my teammate John, delivery is very cruc

Jacques’s (Epic) Blog Post on a Presentation About Presentations

 Greetings and salutations, you avid digital citizen.     Here is how my presentation about presentations went.      In conjunction with five other of my peers, we hosted a collaborative speech on how to give effective presentations. Topics varied from the niceties of how to use your voice for delivery, to what types of videos and photos one should display on their PowerPoints.     Wow— did I really say "PowerPoints"? How 2008 of me— I meant to say Google Slides. In all seriousness, it does not matter which software one picks to construct their presentation. As long as it is sufficiently clean, informative, and constructive towards bettering ourselves as humans, it is a-okay. But how exactly does one ensure that their slideshow stays clean, informative, and constructive? In my section of our presentation, I discussed how to ensure that your visual aids— i.e. your photos, videos, and graphics— help your audience. Is this a good slide? Source: 24slides For example, take the ab

John Ocampo Blog (SPC 2608-7 LEC 4730)

                                    My Experience In Public Speaking                                  When I first signed up for public speaking, I had no idea what to expect from this course. I was beyond nervous and anxious to begin this class. The first task handed to us was a group project that involved teaching chapters 7-9 to the class. When going into the groups among ourselves we needed to decide on who would lead the group and who would oversee the technology aspect of the presentation. I was hesitant in volunteering for the leader position because I didn’t know anyone in the group. I usually enjoy being the leader of groups because I’m extremely organized and like taking the challenge of managing the group's tasks. I decided on taking the position once all my team members agreed on it. Then Isabelle volunteered for a tech person, which filled the last spot of the group. Then after deciding the leadership roles in the group, I made sure everyone in the group had orde